Ethical Fine Wines

We care about the food we eat, the impact on the environment and paying producers a fair price. This applies to wine too!

Ethical Fine Wines sources quality wines from all over the world that not only taste delicious but are also produced in an environmentally and socially responsible way. This means looking for vineyards that are farmed without the use of synthetic chemicals and where workers are well cared for, especially in developing countries such as Chile and South Africa. Responsible producers care about the environment and about their workers. Some are willing to pay for certification for organic, biodynamic or fairtrade status. Others just quietly do the right things and let the quality of their wines speak for themselves.

We believe all of these growers deserve to be supported for their efforts and it's our job to find wines for you to enjoy that combine high quality with ethical credentials.

About Susan McCraith, Master of Wines

A partnership with is not the first high profile role held by Master of Wines Susan McCraith of Ethical Fine Wines. After graduating from Exeter University with a degree in French, Susan spent two and a half years in France, working first in Bordeaux, before moving on to a role with Hennessy Cognac. Upon her return home, she began work with a Bristol wine merchant, of which she became a director in 1992, and gaining the Master of Wine Qualification in 1994.

Two years later Susan was headhunted by Waitrose, where she spent over ten years working as their Central Buyer, helping to shape the wine, beers and spirits range and associated marketing activities.

Susan also holds the distinction of being one of the few female liverymen in the City of London's Vintners' Company.

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