Karma Drinks
Karma Cola, Gingerella & Lemony Lemonade are the world's first range of great looking, great tasting, certified fairtrade and organic fizzy drinks that connect drinkers directly with the people who grow the ingredients and benefit from the sale of each bottle.
Fairtrade gives farmers and workers the security of a fair and stable price for their produce, the freedom to invest profits into their communities, and the independence to make decisions for their futures. Every product is either fairtrade, or as with the cola nut, sourced directly from farmers to ensure they get a fair deal and benefit from the proceeds of their efforts.
Their organic Soil Association standard ensures the highest organic standards have been met at every step in the food chain. In the case of organic sugar, it’s not bleached sulphur, lime and phosphoric acid like conventional sugar, keeping things both clean and green. Better for you, the producers and the planet.
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Displaying 1-12 of 12 products
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