The new year is a time for new beginnings, a great time to start fresh. Over Christmas we all indulge – sometimes we overindulge – but as soon as January comes around it’s time to reset. Personally I have the same goals every new year – to eat healthier and exercise more, and they are the same goals because I’m terrible at sticking to them.
Here’s how I’m going to work on being healthier and happier in 2018, and I’m sure there are many others who will share my New Years Resolution list!
Drink More Water
On a whole we seem to take water for granted, I know I do. It’s so easily and readily available to us that it should be quite easy to drink enough, but it’s so east to go a whole day without drinking a single glass of water. Investing in a good water bottle is a simple way to make sure you’re drinking enough water on the go, and with Bobble Water Filter Bottles or Brita Fill & Go Vital which both filter water as you drink it. This reduces the need to buy bottled water because you still get the great taste of fresh water, without adding the plastic waste problem.
Exercise More Often

Once you get in to an exercise routine, it’s easy to stick to it. I know that from experience, but once you’re out of the routine it’s difficult to start again. The trick is to find something you enjoy doing, don’t force yourself to do something you hate or you’ll give up easily. There are so many different fitness classes available, it’s worth giving a few a try to see what you enjoy the most. Personally, I love swimming, so I’ve checked the timetable for my local swimming pool and I’ll be there this week!
Eat Healthy

For most of us this is the stumbling block. Eating healthy can be fun, but sometimes it’s only fun for a week, then you get back into old, unhealthy habits. Make small changes at first, like eating fewer biscuits, or swapping and afternoon chocolate bar for something a bit healthier. There are a lot of snack bars available that are much healthier than a chocolate bar, and more filling.
For healthier meal choices it’s key to make from scratch so you know exactly what’s going into your body. Again, there is a lot of information available in the form of recipe books, including those that show you how to whip up a healthy meal in less than 30 minutes – so time is not an excuse.
Check out our Health & Fitness product guide for more inspiration.