Natural Home Cleaning Tips

Now more than ever we are aware of the importance of our cleanliness, both personal hygiene and around our home. Conventional household cleaners tend to use harsh and sometimes toxic chemicals that are abrasive and can irritate. However, there are much simpler natural cleaning alternatives you can use that are gentle yet effective.

We’ve put together a short list of tips and suggestions for cleaning your home naturally, which you can find below. Be sure to let us know in the comments if you try any, or if you have your own tips to share.

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How Mineral Sun Cream Protects your Skin

We all know that it’s important to get out in the sun as much as possible to get your recommended dose of Vitamin D and increase seratonin levels. It’s equally important to use sun protection every day to stop your skin absorbing harmful rays and to protect against burning whilst reducing the risk of skin disease or cancer.

You can protect your skin by covering up as much as possible while outside and seeking the shade. It’s also important to use sunscreen every day to limit the damage done by the sun. It’s a common myth that people with darker skin don’t need to use as much or any sun cream – this is absolutely not the case as sun cream is the only thing that can protect your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Mineral sun cream is a great way to protect your skin if you prefer products with fewer ingredients. Regular sun cream is made with ingredients that protect your skin by absorbing the suns rays, whereas mineral sun cream reflects them. Mineral sun creams are made with zinc oxide and titanium oxide, and offer protection from both UVA and UVB rays – which is something you definitely want from your sun protection.

Traditionally people didn’t like using mineral sun cream because it left white residue on their skin. This isn’t the case anymore, advances in technology have meant the mineral particles can be just as effective at a smaller size and are no longer visible.

If you want to give mineral sun cream a try, have a look at our ranges from natural beauty brand Green People, Alba Botanica, We Love the Planet and Shade for some zero waste options too.

Brand Story: Milly & Sissy

Milly & Sissy produce a range of unique powdered beauty products where you simply need to add water to activate them.

Milly & Sissy was founded by good friends Milly and Sissy who both have a passion for animals and the environment. Milly has had a career working in the health and beauty industry and has lived abroad in Asia and Europe. Sissy lives in the Midlands with her family and growing number of animals which includes sheep, guinea pigs, dogs, cats and horses. Combining their passion and talents they were able to create the Milly & Sissy brand. They are always looking for ways to improve our way of living that will have as minimal an impact on the environment as possible. They believe that every single person can make a difference based on the small changes that we can make to our lifestyles.

Their aim is to try and reduce our negative impact on the environment.

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World Environment Day

With World Environment Day approaching we thought this would be a great opportunity to look into the history of the day and what it means to us and our planet.

The UN General assembly designated 5th June as World Environment day back in 1972, which marked the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. It wasn’t until 1974 that World Environment day was celebrated for the first time with the slogan “Only One Earth”.

It is a day for environmental action, with the intention of prompting governments, businesses and citizens to focus on pressing environmental issues. Every year has a different theme and is hosted by a different country. This year the theme is ‘Time for Nature’ and it is hosted by Colombia in partnership with Germany.

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