Fashion Revolution Week 2021 – Rights, Relationships and Revolution

Fashion Revolution Week (FRW) happens every year in the week of the 24th April. The 24th April is the date of the Rana Plaza collapse in 2013; one of the biggest industrial disasters in history.

The Rana Plaza was a building in Bangladesh which housed some major garment factories for some of the biggest fashion brands. It employed around 5000 people and more than 1100 people died when the factory collapsed and an additional 2500 people were injured. Many of the victims were young women.

Every year FRW has a different theme to highlight how problematic and damaging the fast fashion industry is. 2021’s theme is Rights, Relationships and Revolution.

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Make your garden wildlife friendly

Do you want to make your garden more wildlife friendly? Now that it is Spring, it is the perfect time to get out in our gardens and make them a haven for wildlife. Below we have put some things you can do in your own garden!

Planting a Tree

By planting a tree in your garden you’re providing a range of benefits for wildlife. Trees can offer song perches, nesting sites, safe retreats, blossom, foliage and highways in the sky. They are a pivotal source of food and shelter for an array of wildlife. Additionally, trees also help to store carbon which in turn is helping to combat climate change.

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