What do you think when things are labelled as ‘certified organic’ – do you know what it means? What has to be done in order for something to become ‘certified organic’? The main places we’re likely to see it today is food, beauty and wellbeing products, along with fashion items. Continue reading Organic, What Does It Mean?
Month: May 2016
Vegan Nail Polish Ideal for Summer
Choosing a shade for my nails is a painstaking process, it’s probably more difficult than actually painting my nails! There are so many different brands, and then they each have so many different colours and finishes – how can you decide? Well, the first decision should probably be an ethical nail polish, and would you believe it we have some great ones for sale, and a fantastic natural nail polish remover you’ll love.
Choose Fairtrade Jewellery
There’s such a wide variety of products you can buy that are Fairtrade Certified – coffee, tea, chocolate, bananas – most of these are already available, but did you know that you can also buy Fairtrade Certified Silver? There is currently only one silver mine in Peru where miners are paid a fair price for the demanding and dangerous work they do every day, helping to support them and their families. Continue reading Choose Fairtrade Jewellery
Do You Know The Dangers Of Microbeads?
“The numbers are staggering: there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. Of that mass, 269,000 tons float on the surface, while some four billion plastic microfibers per square kilometre litter the deep sea.” – Laura Parker in National Geographic. Have you noticed that sometimes in your exfoliators, shower gels, facewashes, toothpastes, etc, contain little balls? These plastic balls are called microbeads, and they’re becoming a bit of a problem. Continue reading Do You Know The Dangers Of Microbeads?