Protect your skin this Summer with Green People

With Summer fast approaching it’s time to think about sun protection for you and your family. Of course it’s important to use sun protection all year round, but it’s especially needed during the hotter months when the sun is high and the sky is clear. While finding the highest sun protection for our family is the number one factor when it comes to choosing sun protection, we also have to look at how those products affect our planet. Continue reading Protect your skin this Summer with Green People

Natural & Organic Winter Skin Care

Winter is upon us! The days are only going to get colder while the heating is on full blast in almost every building you step in to. If you’re like me than you’ve probably noticed a change in your complexion, maybe your skin is feeling a little drier than usual and looking duller – it’s probably due to the change in weather. Not only is the cold particularly harsh on your skin but the drastic change in climate going from outdoors to indoors doesn’t help either, and having the heating on inside really dries out the air and your skin.

Continue reading Natural & Organic Winter Skin Care